Feb 21, 2024

National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP) Davao chapter assembled for the 1st General Membership Meeting (GMM) of the year 2024 last February 17, 2024 (Saturday) at D’ Leonor Hotel, Bajada, Davao City.
In this gathering, the chapter’s new board of officers and directors for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and the new chapter members were formally inducted. Subsequently, the chapter agendas for this year were also presented to the general membership by the new officers.
The first solemn portion of the program was the discharging rites of the outgoing officers which was conducted by National Past President Jose Gustavo, Jr. Tokens were presented by RMP Meljune Orillosa & RMP Leodigario Eteng to the FY 2023 officers as appreciation for their service to the organization. As the outgoing and Immediate Past President, RMP James Ray Magdadaro made his valedictory address.
The incoming officers and board of directors for FY 2024 were then presented to the assembly and were charged by Former BOMP Prospero Abellano. Afterward, NAMPAP VP Mindanao RMP Meljune Orillosa administered the Induction of the Officers as they recited the Oath of Office. RMP Darryl Gelacio gave his inaugural speech as the newly elected Chapter President for this year.
This was followed by the Induction of the new chapter members, who were charged by RMP Wilfredo Cirunay and inducted by RMP Leodigario Eteng. After the ceremony, the members in attendance shook hands with the new members in a welcome parade.
During the GMM proper, Chapter President RMP Darryl Gelacio presented the calendar of activities for FY 2024. Several other agendas– including the Proposed NAMPAP Davao Review Center, NAMPAP Davao Website, Financial Report and Annual Dues, Raffle Tickets, and Membership drive– were presented and discussed by the officers.
The final part of the program was the awarding of tokens of appreciation to the Sponsors and Dignitaries, which were presented by President Gelacio, VP Internal Jeizel Besinan, and VP External Florentino Babila III.
The General Membership Meeting of the chapter is a gathering that serves to keep the chapter members informed about the chapter’s activities and operations and also to provide an avenue to raise concerns. For the year 2024, four (4) GMMs are scheduled– with the remaining meetings arranged for the months of May, August, and December.
The newly inducted NAMPAP Davao Chapter Board of Officers and Directors for FY 2024–2025 are cordially welcomed and congratulated by the chapter and its general membership:
 RMP Darryl Gelacio
RMP Jeizel Rose Besinan
Vice President, Internal
 RMP Florentino Babila III
Vice President, External
RMP Denise Ira Paculanan
RMP Oscar A. Lazaro III
RMP Marie Yvelle Mejos
RMP Danilo De Mata
Board of Directors:
RMP Wilfredo Cirunay
Board of Director for Membership
RMP Manuel Madjus
Board of Director for Corporate Social Responsibility Projects
RMPÂ Domingo Lucero
Board of Director for Professional Practice & Ethics
RMP Marvin Manalili
Board of Director for Web Administration
RMP Elmer Pelinio
Board of Director for Education
RMP Jimmy Alito
Board of Director for Ways and Means
RMP Sersio Bordios
Board of Director for Professional Practice & Ethics
RMP Roberto Daniel Bongayal
Board of Director for Acquisition and Management
RMP James Ray Magdadaro
Immediate Past President
Event Photos: